Electronic Customer Relationship Management (eCRM) is the skill of using online and mobile marketing techniques as part of an overall campaign to plot, measure and encourage customers to place repeat purchases and to become regular and repeat customers.  When applied to non customers it is known as electronic Prospect Relationship Management (ePRM) and it is highly effective in turning prospects who are merely interested in your brand into customers who are in turn placed into a eCRM system.  It is a science that looks at offers and rewards in a carefully balanced, and cost conscious model of predictions, tests and results.

It often builds on the basic skills of email marketing but can just as easily involve any other direct response and targeted online marketing technique in order to build a full picture of what customers want, when they want it, and then to personalise communications and ensure that relevant offers are made to coincide with these purchase indicators.

eCRM is often the skill that turns marketing spend into tangible profits for an organisation and so correct and experienced execution of an eCRM system is essential.  At Be Different, we have developed techniques over 10 years which have proved themselves over and over again as delivering a significant return on investment, and developed these techniques whilst working with clients that demand the highest reward for their budgets in highly competitive markets.

We therefore think that we are justified in our claims of offering a high ROI for our clients investment with us, and have developed our own modelling and measurement solutions to aid this.  We can’t give all our secrets away in a public forum such as this, but if eCRM and ePRM is of interest to you, we would be very happy to discuss our techniques with you.

Accessibility & usability for web design
Email marketing eCRM & Direct response marketing
PPC Adwords SEM Search agency - Pay Per Click
SEO agency London. Expert Search Engine Optimisation
Social media marketing & data targeting
Web design & website development. Responsive websites
Electronic customer relationship management (eCRM) September 9th, 2017aaron.savage

Marketing that delivers results

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